Building the Honker

Building the Honker duck boat 1

Subject: Honker Duck Boat
Date: Sun, 26 Mar 2006

The attached are pictures of the honker I started after New Year of 2006. I just put it in the water on March 23,2006. I followed the prints pretty much through out the whole job except for a few things like adding more reinforcement in the nose for more strength to jump in and out of the boat on, and notching the frame so I could add the second layer of plywood to the bottom first instead of sliding it in later.The boat was constructed of all marine plywood, mahog., white oak in the transom, and a couple pieces of scrap black walnut. The hull is covered with fiber glass with two layers on all the seams. then three coats of epoxy.I installed a 4 switch panel 1 for running lights, 1 for bilge pump, 1 for a lighter outlet for spot lights, and 1 for utility lights which consist of four sets of leds on the sides of the boat. Under the floor I added flotation foam for extra safety.The boat handles great and is very stable I cant wait until hinting season. Thank You for the plans

Gregg Long

Click on photos at the left to enlarge.