Hunky Dory by Bob Lutley

Well here I am again. Started building boat shed (that's where the dog was sitting in the snow) the 4th of May and it took me 4 days. It is 35 ft. long and 12 ft. wide. Ugly ain't it. Next I made the building form and staked it to the ground. I put some heavy plastic on the floor of shed, so I don't have to trim the grass around the form. Next, I placed the stern on the form. It's a little heavy but I got it there all sguare & plumb. I set the 1st 2 frames temporary to get the height on the stern, then reset them properly and carried on with the rest. I set the stem in place and blocked it to the right height, then staked and screwed it in place. Then on to the chines and sheers. No trouble until the last sheer. Broke it right at #12 frame. After I had some words with the man up stairs, I settled down and looked things over. When I made #11 frame I cut the sheer notch too deep (careless) when I put the sheer on I clamped it tight at #11 and tight at #12 when bending to the stem it tried to make a slight (S) curve and broke at #12 on the stem side. Good thing I made an extra sheer. This morning (May 14) I glued on the battens. It will take a day or two for the glue to set as the temperature is dropping, forecast is for rain or snow tomorrow. It is only 40 degrees (+4 celsius) and falling. Sooo! tomorrow will be clean up day. If it snows I am in trouble that roof won't hold more than an inch or two.

What an ugly boat shed

stern and frames 1&2 on building form

battens glued on

starting to look like a boat.
