Zip by Tom Blair, Lyons, Oregon

15 February 2010

Prints and planning stage of build

Checking for level on frames to jig

More checking for level on frames to jig

Set up plumb bobs to center line and to frames to center line on floor

Set up stem location

Using chalk line & plumb bobs for location

Checking to see if fairing is good

Doing it old style

Using file to get the angle to be faired

Cut out with router for bilge drains

Test fitting shear clamp

Gluing outside section of shear to first bend, easier to do in two pieces of 5/8 inch white oak than one piece

10 April 2010 Update

Applying 2nd side

2nd coating of epoxy over the glass. You can see my Mark 55A in the background... I have been tuning it up and it runs great - this will be the power for my Zip.

Final sanding before primer. Getting close to the flip

Now if the weather would just warm up for me....

26 April 2010 Update

The flip

On the trailer - now for the fun stuff
