19 July 2007

Summer of 2007: Finally getting good building time on the project after 2 years working & travelling. Have side planking on, battens glued down, bottom planking dry fitted. With good luck the rollover will be end of July 07. All planking is scarf joined 8' panels.

The bottom is going on as soon as the screws arrive. I'll install both layers at once, scarfs and all. I plan to take a lot of pics of the double bottom going on with scarfs done at the same time.

I could not find much info, or pics, on scarfing plywood in the webletters, or any other place for that matter. I find lots of talk, but pics are worth a thousand words. I wish I had these pics before I started, it would have saved me a lot of time. I tried several methods to cut the wide ply scarfs. This is what worked the best for me.
